200+ Voice For Your Ai Virtual Assistant

Uploaded on 2023-10-06

200+ Voice For Your Ai Virtual Assistant


Hello there, In this blog I am going to show you how you can add natural voice in your virtual assistant. In this blog you will get the 200+ natural voice file and I will guide you through the way about how you can implement it in your ai.

Importing Modules:

our first task is to import necessary modules that we are going to use to make our Ai assistant to speak in natural voice. We need two modules to do that and they are:

1) Os Module (This module allow us to interacting with the operating system)

2) Pygame Module (This module provide us functions for creating games and other interactive applications)

To install these modules simply go on the terminal and go to the folder where your ai code is stored. Then write the following command to install os and pygame module:

1) For Os Module write pip install os

2) For Pygame Module Write pip install pygame

Once you have done that you can now move to another part

Step 2: Creating the "speak" Function:

Now, let's create a function called "speak." This function will take any text you give it and magically turn it into natural speech using the voice files we'll provide

Step 3: Implementation:

Implementing the "speak" function in your AI virtual assistant is incredibly straightforward. You only need to call the function with the text you want your assistant to speak out loud. Here's an example:

# Example usage:

speak("Hello there! How can I assist you today?")

Step 4: Download the 200+ Natural Voice Files

To truly elevate your AI virtual assistant's speech, we offer a collection of 200+ natural voice files that you can use according to your choice. You can view it by clicking on the link below:

Download Natural Voice Files


By following these simple steps, you can give your AI virtual assistant a natural and human-like voice.